Invasive Mammals

A red deer is invasive because they eat lots of plants. It lives in mountain areas, there size is 5.25-8.86 foot, and they weigh 376-643 Ibs. They mostly spend their life in a herd, in summer there’s about 400 individual red deer. When it’s fall the males fight for females, after January males lose their antlers. The female prefer larger male red deer, and they can detect body sizes.

Red foxes are invasive because they harm our native birds and mammals. A red fox can jump 6 feet up in the air, they also can swim! The adult’s measured up to 35-50 cm, they live in the north hemisphere. They weigh 2.2 to 14 kg, with vixen they weigh 15-20% less then male red foxes do. The front foot print measure up to 2.4 inches, and their hind foot print measures up to 2.2 inches.

Eastern gray squirrels are invasive because they dig in people’s yard and flower beds, they also destroy any tree they see. They grow up to 17 to 20 inches long they weigh 0.4-0.6 kg. You often see males chasing females in winter because it’s mating season. Eastern gray squirrels have two liters (babies), the second liter stays with their mom. The eastern gray squirrels eat: acorns, hickory nuts, walnut, fruits, and etc. Their predators are: hawks, red foxes, raccoon, and snakes.

By Daniel

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