Aqua Invaders

Aquatic invaders can be very dangerous. Some include the Asian Carp, the Sea Lamprey, and the Zebra Mussel.

The Asian Carp is a type of fish that is very big. Some weigh up to 60 pounds and can jump up to 10 feet out of the water! When they jump they can knock people out of boats. So they are very dangerous.  There are Silver Carp, Grass Carp, Black Carp, and Big Head carp. Asian Carp are invasive because they travel to different places, eats way more food than it’s supposed to, and have no natural predators.

Next is the Sea Lamprey. The Sea Lamprey measures from 12 to 30 inches and usually weighs a little more than a half pound.  Big, sharp teeth line their mouth. They are invasive because they suck the insides of fish and other aquatic animals.  NOT GOOD!

Finally there is the Zebra Mussel. It is a type of clam. It measures to about 1 inch. They hook onto cargo boats across seas to travel.  They are invasive because they attach themselves to rocks, boats, and other things and eat A LOT.

I hope you are aware of these aquatic invasive species!

Contributed by Riley

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